Friday, July 29, 2005


I had an interview yesterday and to my suprise and much to my amazement, I would suggest to everyone or ANYONE that is looking for a job to NEVER ever list down the names of families/relative/friends that has any relation with the group of companies that you're applying to.

For the first time, I had the chance to list down my friend's name in it since he opened a company under their name and I thought it will do me good. NO~ I got it all wrong. It seems that if possible, they wouldn't prefer someone like me since I know somebody and it is afraid that I would disclosed confidential infos or sensitive issues from the main company to my friend.


Thursday, July 28, 2005

Scare of the day

I was on the way back from an interview and while standing inside the LRT, I saw few middle eastern guys and they were carrying bags. Funny and scary thoughts sprung up in my mind which I wish not to divulge into it. But when the train almost reach Kerinchi stop, the whole train made an emergency brake and stop in the middle of the track. Silly me, I thought maybe there's a terrorist attack infront. Hahaha. It seems that it happen quite often for both Star LRT and Putra LRT. It's a normal thing to experience for those LRT frequenters.

Anyway, while I was in the train, I looked around, scanning for interesting things to see and something caught my attention. It's the handle bars in the train for those standing passengers. Quite a good marketing ploy I must say. Remember those handles that we usually see in LRTs? Instead of just noral rubber handles, this time, Perodua decided to spice things up in the automotive market by providing plastic handles coupled with messages for the passangers to hold.

The messages read as:
1. How Are You Holding Up? Better Get A Reliable Car
2. A Show Of Hands For Those Looking For A Reliable Ride *This is the one I liked most*
3.Berpeganglah Pada Ini, Ia Tidak Akan Menghampakan Anda.

Imagine all standing passangers are "technically" showing their hands in agreement with Perodua that their cars are more reliable that the "other" automotive maker in our country. ;p

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

For the first time

For the first time in all my jungle trekking experience, I have never met or come across any wildlife animals except birds and creepy crawlies. Well, today I decided to bring Piper for a session since it's been a while since she last visited Bukit Gasing with other members.

And there we are, just me and her entering the jungle, climbing hills, rest, climb again....the sort of things you do when you go jungle trekking. I was afraid that I might get lost in the jungle since this is the first time I went in alone. Luckily, I managed to maneuver out of it.

Well, on the way out at the entrance/exit, I heard this sound. Sounds like baby animals screeching and I started looking for it. Saw a baby Civet Cat perching on a slope. I was like WTH??? For the first time ever, I managed to come face to face with a wild animal. Piper didn't notice at first and when I started coaxing the baby civet to come to me, Piper noticed and climbed the slope. At first, there was nothing wrong between them and yet suddenly, the baby civet decided to bite Piper and both ended up in some dog vs cat fight. Obviously Piper got the upperhand since she's bigger and heavier.

Seperated both of them and yet Piper still wants to get a piece of that civet since the civet started it from a mere sniffing of here and there. That civet climbed up a half cut palm tree and was hiding there and Piper who was determined to really get hold of it climbed up the palm tree! Never did I ever heard that a dog climbed tree. I'm not just gonna stand there and watch what's unfolding infront of me. So I grab Piper by her neck and that civet managed to jumped down to the other side of the fence and into a house's compound.

What a day~ I could've swear that I don't know what animal is it if not thanks to National Geography, Animal Planet and Discovery Channel. ;-p

Thursday, July 21, 2005

What;'s your mood today~?

After all these while, I never thought that I'll be at this low point of my life. Never at all. This is one deep rabbit hole I'm in. When I look at the Astro's advertisement about a service of sending your positive quotes, I thought to myself; Does it really work?

Confidence has shattered with no possible way to pick up the pieces and try to reconstruct back. Sometimes, I thought to myself, why did I ever took that path down the road. I could've just taken the other path.

The other day I realized I had been sitting around with my head down for half an hour, and I wasn’t even really notice what's going on with the surrounding. I wasn’t seeing anything at all: Indulged in your own thoughts in your head. This is true, I suspect, for most of us--and inside the box of our thoughts can be a flat, dark, and comfortless place indeed.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Letters to fanboys out there~ hear ye hear ye

Since this is the last GameSpotting, I decided it was my last chance to convey my thoughts on a subject so near and dear to my heart: fanboys. Console and PC fanboys are an interesting breed, and they always bring a unique discourse to our forums. Their well-written and wonderfully articulated posts and emails give them a special place in my heart. I don't believe I've ever addressed them directly before, so this is my chance

Dear Fanboys,

I have a few pieces of advice I want to pass onto you in this GameSpotting. I know that in an age of multiple platforms and a huge amount of games, it can be difficult to remain loyal to one platform or one company. It's a real challenge, and you are all noble and courageous for taking on this quest. I have a few suggestions that I hope you all take to heart. It will help guide you down the path of the fanboy.

GameSpot is the most reliable source for reviews. Except when another publication rates the game you're hyping higher than us. Then that publication is the most reliable source. Until next week, anyway.

A person who owns just one console is inherently less biased than editors at GameSpot who have access to all consoles.

The term "exclusive" is tricky. Its definition changes depending upon whether a hot game appears on your platform or not.

Innovation is what it's called when your console has a unique feature. Otherwise, it's called a gimmick.

Your specific needs are shaped around your platform's features. For instance, if your console doesn't feature HDTV support, then it really wasn't that necessary to have, anyway.

A game that is scored less than a 9.5 on any platform you don't own is called a flop. If it does achieve that score, it's called overrated. (According to the GameSpot rating system, a game rated 8 or above is "great," but we all know that it really means "flop.")

Sales numbers are everything, as long as the numbers are best for your favorite company or console. If that means you have to dig up numbers for sales in New Zealand stores from seven months ago to prove your point, so be it.

Likewise, it is up to you to monitor how companies are doing and report every dip in stock price of manufacturers of other consoles. You're all experts in the fields of economics and finance, so your analyses will always prove correct.

You must realize, that some companies are evil, and some are inherently good. Some companies do it for the money, others do it... so, well, you can brag about them.

Perhaps the most clever thing you as fanboys can do is to come up with derogatory names for competing consoles, such as Xbrick instead of Xbox or FlopStation 2 instead of PlayStation 2.

On message boards, the best way to convey your point is to write in all caps, ignore the rules of grammar, and include lots of "LMAO's" and "LOLs" in your post.

It makes perfect sense to insult a company's lineup one moment and at the same time hope that company will go third party and develop for your console the next.

Playing a game on a different console for ten minutes at a friend's house qualifies you as an expert on that game and console.

You are obviously the most knowledgeable person about hardware. So when you're talking about the difference between CISC and RISC processors, everyone should stop and listen.

A sequel on another console is a "rehash," while a sequel on your console is not; in fact, it's highly anticipated.

Your platform is the best one in existence. Any time you see what might be evidence to the contrary, it's clearly because others are blinded by their idiotic fanboyism.

So you see, dear readers, the best part about being a fanboy is that you can never be proven wrong. As long as you ignore the rules of logic and sensibility, you will never have to worry about whether or not you made a good investment. That sure helps all the insecurity go away, doesn't it?

In the meanwhile, the rest of us will have to go on using our brains to make decisions when it comes to videogames. We will have to actually think about whether or not it's worth it to buy a console based on our needs. We will have to consider forking over more money for a new machine if its games are excellent. We will have to play the best games instead of bash them if they're not on our consoles.

In other words, the rest of us non-fanboys are doomed to a life of playing the best games and enjoying our hobby, while you will have the luxury of being able to ignore the majority of games that come out, because they're not on your console. That is indeed very lucky for you all.

And with that, I must wrap up my letter today. I hope I was able to teach you all a thing or two.

Your Pal,

Friday, July 01, 2005

Sorry for the fish


It's been like another planet has been formed since the last time I posted anything. Where was I? Oh yeah, the E3 hype on all next-gen consoles. Truth to be told, I was working for my new co and guess what? I've resigned! Thanks to an old fart who just wanna make my life harder and his easier over there. No no, I was not fired but I fired them. Bunch of moronic ppl.

It's been almost a month since I resigned and during that time, I've managed to scurry thru my pile of books that I've not finished yet and read some of it along with keeping track on the games that I've missed out due to the workload I got.

Lately, the PSP scene has been bombarded with all kinds of hacks and emulators such as SNES emulator, PSP Background changer, etc and I'm using both the emulator and the BG changer now. Impressive I must say. In a short 8 months period, all kinds of homebrew programs are released by PSPers. I've got a question here, "Is running emulators/homebrew software means that you're a pirate?" Gimme your opinions. Heck, even the Lumines game ISO is out and can be executed thru the memory stick but there's no BGM. Too bad...and that is what I call a pirate. Downloading game ISOs and play without paying for it. What about emulators and homebrew programs?

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