Saturday, February 19, 2005

Narutards Unite!!

News gotten out to all naruto fans and especially narutards that Naruto is licensed in America yesterday. Looks like we won't be getting anymore naruto episodes off the bittorrent since more fansubs are US based. Wait!!! there's still hope. Dattebayo is still doing the fansub for Naruto *jumping in joy*

But then more or less, I've known a bit of the storyline when i chatted with a friend of mine. Here's the gist of the story after Episode 122 courtesy of Dattebayo yesterday:

ericpck: ya
ericpck: Gaara killed kimimaro
ericpck: naruto went after sasuke
ericpck: they fought
ericpck: sasuke turned into level 2 (cursed seal)
ericpck: naruto turned berserk with 9 tails power
ericpck: they fought
ericpck: no win no lose
ericpck: both injured
ericpck: sasuke ran away
ericpck: naruto recovered by kakashi
ericpck: hold on
ericpck: then
ericpck: that erosennin
ericpck: say he wanna train naruto
ericpck: becoz orochimaru cannot transfer body within 3 years
ericpck: so they (akatsuki) wont be after-ing naruto for the time being
ericpck: and the 5hokage train sakura
ericpck: become medic ninja
ericpck: and bla bla
ericpck: and conclusion of naruto
ericpck: 3 of them became the new batch of legendary sannin
ericpck: sasuke defeated his brother
orlson: naruto, sakura and?
ericpck: orochimaru killed
ericpck: sasuke
ericpck: sasuke became good
orlson: sasuke? what the hell, he's not being retrieve? how?
ericpck: he turned good somehow
orlson: at which point?
orlson: explain the bla bla bla too
ericpck: becoz
ericpck: he found out
ericpck: not his brother killed the wholc uchiha clan
ericpck: the uchiha clan was killed bu
ericpck: by
ericpck: the hokage that sealed 9 fox
ericpck: that stupid hokage summoned the 9 tailk
ericpck: he end up cannot control the beast
ericpck: so he sealed himself and died
orlson: why did the 3rd hokage wanna wipe out uchiha clan?
ericpck: that part
ericpck: i not sure yet
orlson: who told sasuke bout the truth?
ericpck: that's the tentative storyline
ericpck: maybe they wanna change the plot
orlson: how did sasuke kill him bro since he's not the one that killed uchiha clan
ericpck: that part also i not sure
ericpck: my fren didnt tell me
ericpck: ya
ericpck: he killed his bro
ericpck: my guess is
orlson: how did orochimaru died? who killed him?
ericpck: his bro told him that its the 3hokage
ericpck: who killed the clan
ericpck: maybe naruto/sasuke
orlson: roughly how many more eps?
ericpck: erm
ericpck: not sure woo
ericpck: hehe
ericpck: in between
ericpck: got super long histroy
ericpck: about uchiha clan
ericpck: damn
ericpck: wasting time
ericpck: many episodes
ericpck: (that's what i read from manga)
ericpck: extended story of how uchiha clan was killed
ericpck: and also
ericpck: a short story
ericpck: of how kakashi got bloodline limit of (that eye power same as uchiha's)
ericpck: coz last time in kakashi team
ericpck: got one fella from uchiha
ericpck: before he died
ericpck: the 3rd member of the team
ericpck: (who is medic)
ericpck: transfered the dying uchiha member's sharingan to kakashi
ericpck: becoz that time kakashi one eye become blin
ericpck: becoz that time kakashi one eye become blind
ericpck: last time kakashi is super ego ninja
ericpck: stubborn like hell
ericpck: but after incident
ericpck: he became better
ericpck: anyway both his teammate died
orlson: wait the manga you got is until volume 27?
ericpck: erm i got from narutochuunin
ericpck: that one can read online
ericpck: no need download
orlson: you read until finish? the manga finished already?
ericpck: not yet
ericpck: managa flow
ericpck: naruto vs sasuke (no win no lose) -> erosennin trains naruto, 5hokage trains sakura -> uchicha extended story -> kakashi story -> (after this i dont know liao)
ericpck: and before naruto vs sasuke... is the part where the three sand ppl came to help them fight sound 4 and kimimaro
orlson: i think hor...the anime will finish at the part wher eorochimaru died and a bit more on those off stories...then end...maybe in another 20 eps
orlson: i know...they did came and help...esp the fan girl...i read in manga
ericpck: icic
ericpck: i like the fight
ericpck: gaara vs kimimaro
ericpck: seems like more interesting
ericpck: than naruto vs sasuke
ericpck: sasuke become funny looking monster in his level 2 cursed seal
ericpck: his sharingan super one
ericpck: can predict opponent movement
ericpck: but when naruto berserk
ericpck: sasuke sharingan also cannot see predict
ericpck: coz the red chakra move in variable angles


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