Friday, January 21, 2005

Where is the sportsmanship?

Have you ever wonder whether the people you're playin games with have sportsmanship? According to an online dictionary, it means
  1. The fact or practice of participating in sports or a sport.
  2. Conduct and attitude considered as befitting participants in sports, especially fair play, courtesy, striving spirit, and grace in losing.
  3. Fairness in following the rules of the game
Well, it happens to affect MMOGs. When you're playing with other people and let's say, the last one standing wins; You know you're losing and what would you do? Take your opponent down along with you? Suicide? Or whatever it takes to make you yourself to die in a happy ending and letting your missed out on a chance to win that match? WHERE is that sportsmanship?!?!

Yeah yeah, you might say to have grace in losing. Yes! To HAVE grace in losing. People won't mind losing a game because it's just a game but the main thing is that when your opponent takes you down with himself when the odds are against them.

Think about it~


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