Monday, September 26, 2005

It's all about money, ain't it

Came across an article in TheStar paper yesterday. Very good way of intepreting what we do with our hard earned cash. The thing that really caught my attention in the article was "We will never be rich because we spend more than what we earn"

Pondering over it, kinda true rite? It just hit me hard what I read it. When you're earning your own salary, ya want this, ya want that, you wished for this and that and those and these.... so, it's NEVER enough to quench your thirst for more things especially when you're into techie stuffs like me.

Even if you earning big bucks, I'm pretty sure your wishlist will get longer and longer. Thus, it's never enough. Big cars, big house, l33t equipments, etc...

Well, the article did suggest few ways to save our money and one of it is to go dutch on the things we drink or eat *since we, malaysians' favourite past-time is to eat and shopping*. Imagine that you and your friends are at Starbucks and all of you, i mean ALL of you chip-in RM 1-2 each and buy a cup of Caramel Frappucino and with that single cuppa, you guys are sharing it. LOL.

Link to article

Pic courtesy of TheStar

Now where's my Rich Dad, Poor Dad book that I threw it somewhere when I moved my house four months ago...


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